
Albo d'Oro Ordine Ingegneri e Architetti San Marino


Maria Alessandra Segntini is the first Woman Architect to have been awarded with the Albo d'Oro of the Chamber of Engineers and Architects of San Marino during the event ARCHIDAYS 2024 and as a follow-up of the San Marino Declaration signed by UNECE and Lord Norman Foster in 2022. Carlo Cappai was awarded together with her. A great thank to President Luca Zanotti and all the Ministers of the Republic as well as the collegues and people who attended Segantini's Lectio Magistralis  titled 'In Women's Hand' and focusing on strategies to design more environmentally and socially sutainable inclusive cities and landcsapes worldwide. 


Albo d'Onore Ingegneri Architetti San Marino